Identity is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Identity, “who I am”, is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth, often, sadly, trying to fill an emotional void with a variety of substitutes which may lead to despair. Many young people who are anxious about their identity crave “likes” and positive comments via social media as a way of feeling good about themselves.

Our dignity and worth as human beings is found in God.

Genesis 1:27 teaches that we are made “in the image of God”. Furthermore, a Christian believer also has dignity and worth through a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Christians have been adopted into God’s family and if that is you, your life is under God’s loving control and in all things He works for good in your life.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Do not allow circumstances, sin or Satan to rob you of your identity as a Christian believer. Always remember that you are God’s child, you are here to serve and glorify Him, and you are going to Heaven. Never lose your focus and trust God in all circumstances, even when it is tough.