Woman's hand holding a phone with social media reactions floating above the screen, a laptop in the background showing social media

Navigating the challenges of social media

Social media, like most things in life, can either be a force for evil or a force for good.

If used in the right way, social media can help us understand more about Christianity as well as spread the good news so others can hear about our Saviour. However, social media can also be a dangerous place. It can lead to depression and serious body image related problems. We,… Read more.
Hand with pen taking notes

Stuck at home!

The current situation is something new for all of us. No school/college/university, no socialising with friends, at home with parents and siblings 24/7!

What are the difficulties/dangers we might face and what might the benefits be? How can we survive this period and how can we grow in our walk with God? Difficulties/dangers Anxiety – I’m sure like me, even a couple of weeks ago, you couldn’t have imagined this situation. It was… Read more.
Table with broadcast microphone on

Speaking the Truth in Love

Have you ever been accused of one of the following: bullying, homophobia, bigotry or discrimination?

Have you ever been accused of one of the following: bullying, homophobia, bigotry or discrimination? These words are now frequently used in our society when someone disagrees with you about a moral issue! The context is usually where someone maintains a right to a certain view or lifestyle and then… Read more.
Red neon heart illuminating brick wall with wires and light switch

Lust: How can I stop?

What is the difference between being attracted to someone and lusting after them? And if lust is a problem, how can we stop?

Physical attraction is natural and helpful in deciding who to marry, though it shouldn’t be the main decider. Lust involves allowing our thoughts about another person to turn sexual outside of marriage [1]. Lust can be especially difficult for men because they are often easily provoked by what they see,… Read more.
A variety of Bisexual icon symbol with a question mark superimposed

Why is it wrong to identify as ‘bi’?

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, the Bible distinguishes what we desire from what we do, and who we are from what we desire.

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, it can mean different things to different people. To some it means being sexually attracted to both sexes. To others it means wanting to be or being in a sexual relationship with both sexes. Sometimes it… Read more.
Icons of a man and woman as paper cutouts with the woman icon being held by a persons hand, set against a blue background

Is consent enough?

It’s important to have a full understanding of what consent truly is – but when is it right to give such consent?

A young woman in her mid-twenties looks back… I was fourteen when I started going out with my first serious boyfriend. He was older than me and he went to a different school, and just seemed more mature. He was quite charming – he was nice to me. After two… Read more.
Young woman praying contentedly. Set against out of focus leafy background.

Learning to be content in singleness

Being single can actually be a great blessing, and allow you to be a blessing to others – but this can be difficult to see when we feel lonely. How can we cultivate true contentment?

Singleness enables many people to achieve things in their lives that would not be possible if they were married and had children. This is particularly true for Christians who remain single and live very fruitful lives for God’s Kingdom. Many single Christians are able to care for family members, fulfil… Read more.
Laptop computer with finger on keyboard in dark room with pink lighting

Pornography (part 1): Damage to our relationship with God

It can stream into our homes and on to our phones and is estimated to account for about 20 percent of all mobile searches. But why is pornography so wrong and dangerous?

At the heart of the problem with pornography is the fact that it promotes sexual arousal outside of a relationship, which has many dangerous consequences. This is the first of a series of articles which look at some of these consequences. Pornography damages our relationship with God. The Bible teaches… Read more.