Red neon heart illuminating brick wall with wires and light switch

Lust: How can I stop?

What is the difference between being attracted to someone and lusting after them? And if lust is a problem, how can we stop?

Physical attraction is natural and helpful in deciding who to marry, though it shouldn’t be the main decider. Lust involves allowing our thoughts about another person to turn sexual outside of marriage [1]. Lust can be especially difficult for men because they are often easily provoked by what they see,… Read more.
Laptop computer with finger on keyboard in dark room with pink lighting

Pornography (part 4): A cause of abuse within society

Pornography doesn’t just badly affect the people who use it – but also those who perform in it.

People are used for entertainment and money. Pornography is a massive industry driven by money and makes a large profit each year. The actors and actresses see little of this money. People are not treated with dignity and respect. Those who make money from the pornography industry make it by… Read more.
Icons of a man and woman as paper cutouts with the woman icon being held by a persons hand, set against a blue background

Is consent enough?

It’s important to have a full understanding of what consent truly is – but when is it right to give such consent?

A young woman in her mid-twenties looks back… I was fourteen when I started going out with my first serious boyfriend. He was older than me and he went to a different school, and just seemed more mature. He was quite charming – he was nice to me. After two… Read more.
Young man and woman shopping happily at an open air market

How can I know if he or she really loves me?

Love is a word we use very often; it describes our feelings for all sorts of things from chocolate to a new car!

We often use the word ‘love’ to describe our feelings for people in our family: parents, children, siblings. We also talk about the romantic feeling of ‘falling in love’ with someone who is not in our family. But how can we know that this romantic love is true, and that… Read more.
Young womans and man holding hands . Looking intently at each others eyes.

Love or lust?

You feel that you love someone. You want to be with them. You find it difficult not to think about them.

We live in a very emotion-driven age. We are tempted to think that when we feel something strongly, it must be right. We are encouraged to accept that when we want something strongly, we are justified in having our desires fulfilled. Perhaps nowhere is this more often felt than with… Read more.
Young woman with digital tablet

Love online?

The internet can allow you to connect with people across the globe – but is this always wise?

The internet can be a brilliant tool. You can use it for streaming, socialising, shopping and research. You can use it to interact with people across the globe. It can help you to learn about the world and things you are interested in. It can help you to connect with… Read more.
Woman looking out of cafe

5 questions to ask yourself before going out with someone.

We can want to go out with someone for all sorts of reasons; but not all reasons are good reasons. Thinking seriously first can help you avoid heartache later.

1. Why go out? Though it is important to have fun while dating it is most important to think seriously about it. After all, when you start a relationship there are a lot of feelings involved. You need to be careful with your own and the other person’s feelings, regardless… Read more.
touch phone and headphones on table

Explicit messages and sexual images

Why is asking for or sending sexy text messages and ‘nudes’ wrong and dangerous?

Remember that having sexually explicit pictures, including underwear shots, of anyone less than 18 years (this includes images of yourself or your girlfriend/boyfriend) on your phone is illegal (in the UK), and could lead to a caution or conviction, which could then have damaging implications for your future. Why is… Read more.
Young woman with quizzical expression

Why does God want us to listen to our parents?

In our teenage years, we start to have freedom to make our own choices about things while still being largely dependent on our parents or carers.

God wants us to listen to our parents because that is how He has designed life and therefore the way that it works best. As a new born baby each of us is totally helpless and dependent on someone else to feed us, move us, clean us etc. As we… Read more.
women's hands holding engagement ring

How can I know my future spouse will be faithful to me?

How is it possible to make promises such as marriage vows and keep them when you don’t know what is to come?

A concern that often comes up when we are thinking about marriage is whether the person we choose to marry will be or remain faithful. Will they keep their marriage vows? Is it possible to make such promises and keep them when you don’t know what is to come? We… Read more.