Middle aged couple sitting nest to each other. Smiling at the camera. The woman is on the left and the man on the right.

Tips to help make a marriage successful: Part 3

A crucial aspect of a good marriage is to complement one another: husband and wife each act in different ways for the good of both.

Remember your role Complementarity is an essential part of God designed marriage. To complement means to act together in different ways for the good of both. One essential element of the first marriage was that God brought Eve to Adam as his “helper”. She was his companion and his partner… Read more.
David holding small stones in right hand and and a sling in his left hand, against black background

Are men of God always great examples?

How can we hold up men, such as Abraham, Jacob and David, as ‘heroes of the faith’ when each of them also did terrible things?

In the Bible we can read accounts of people with an especially close relationship with God. These people, such as Abraham, Jacob and David, were given promises and blessings that are spoken of through the whole Bible and are revealed to have their fulfilment in Jesus Christ. But, we may… Read more.
Middle aged couple sitting nest to each other. Smiling at the camera. The woman is on the left and the man on the right.

Tips to help make a marriage successful: Part 2

Taking vows seriously and being prepared to keep communicating are just two things that can help the strength of a marriage.

Take promises seriously Marriage is based on promises, sometimes called vows. These promises are the most important part of the wedding ceremony whether it takes place in a church or is a civil ceremony and takes place in a hotel, a registry office, a castle or even on a beach.… Read more.
Middle aged couple sitting nest to each other. Smiling at the camera. The woman is on the left and the man on the right.

Tips to help make a marriage successful: Part 1

Deciding to get married is one of the most important decisions you might make in your life. How can you prepare for such an important decision?

Understand what marriage is. Wherever we look, marriage appears to be in trouble, and many young people are growing up in a home where the example of a happy and faithful marriage does not exist. This can make it hard to look forward to marriage and perhaps even harder to… Read more.
Conflicted man with hands on head, looking at the sky

Why don’t men like to commit?

It can seem difficult to find a man, in our current society, who is willing to make the promises of commitment in marriage. Why are so many unwilling?

Many young women still dream of finding a man who is willing to devote himself to her in love, publicly declaring that he will ‘forsake all others’ for the rest of her life. Much rarer, it seems, is the man in our society, who is willing to make such a… Read more.
Young woman with quizzical expression

Why does God want us to listen to our parents?

In our teenage years, we start to have freedom to make our own choices about things while still being largely dependent on our parents or carers.

God wants us to listen to our parents because that is how He has designed life and therefore the way that it works best. As a new born baby each of us is totally helpless and dependent on someone else to feed us, move us, clean us etc. As we… Read more.
women's hands holding engagement ring

How can I know my future spouse will be faithful to me?

How is it possible to make promises such as marriage vows and keep them when you don’t know what is to come?

A concern that often comes up when we are thinking about marriage is whether the person we choose to marry will be or remain faithful. Will they keep their marriage vows? Is it possible to make such promises and keep them when you don’t know what is to come? We… Read more.