Heart shaped island with trees, bordered by small beach surrounded by deep blue sea.

Lessons from Love Island

It is natural to desire loving relationships, but does sex always express love?

The 2021 series of the dating reality TV programme Love Island has recently begun. The show is now in its 7th season and involves a group of contestants, who in order to remain on the show and win £50,000, are forced to ‘pair up’ with another contestant. The show begins… Read more.
Close up of open Bible showing Galatians 5v1 with the words 'freedom' and 'stand firm' underlined in red

What is wrong with masturbation?

Some people claim that it is a natural response to natural desires. The Bible challenges us to think differently.

You may have heard of masturbation (self stimulation) being presented in a positive way as a normal healthy activity. It is claimed that it can help young people ease anxiety and, after or even during puberty, relieve sexual frustration. So is there anything wrong with this teaching? What is a… Read more.
Red neon heart illuminating brick wall with wires and light switch

Lust: How can I stop?

What is the difference between being attracted to someone and lusting after them? And if lust is a problem, how can we stop?

Physical attraction is natural and helpful in deciding who to marry, though it shouldn’t be the main decider. Lust involves allowing our thoughts about another person to turn sexual outside of marriage [1]. Lust can be especially difficult for men because they are often easily provoked by what they see,… Read more.
Young womans and man holding hands . Looking intently at each others eyes.

Love or lust?

You feel that you love someone. You want to be with them. You find it difficult not to think about them.

We live in a very emotion-driven age. We are tempted to think that when we feel something strongly, it must be right. We are encouraged to accept that when we want something strongly, we are justified in having our desires fulfilled. Perhaps nowhere is this more often felt than with… Read more.
Womans hands typing on laptop, on dark wooden table

Making good decisions about pornography

As pornography is dangerous, it is important not to become involved or get caught out by it. Only you can make the final decision about what you choose to look at.

Be careful. Think carefully about what you watch and read. Often the images and messages, even in the mainstream media, can be sexually provocative and make us want to look for more explicit material. Turn on ‘safe search’ so that most inappropriate content will be filtered out. For more protection,… Read more.
Laptop computer with finger on keyboard in dark room with pink lighting

Pornography (part 1): Damage to our relationship with God

It can stream into our homes and on to our phones and is estimated to account for about 20 percent of all mobile searches. But why is pornography so wrong and dangerous?

At the heart of the problem with pornography is the fact that it promotes sexual arousal outside of a relationship, which has many dangerous consequences. This is the first of a series of articles which look at some of these consequences. Pornography damages our relationship with God. The Bible teaches… Read more.
close up of snow on the ground, with a few blades of grass poking through

Singleness and sexual purity

A man gives his testimony.

I was single until I got married in my mid-forties. I can testify to the many temptations and challenges to my purity during that time. There were times when I felt frustrated by my singleness and jealous of the married people around me who seemed to be enjoying fulfilled sex… Read more.
touch phone and headphones on table

Explicit messages and sexual images

Why is asking for or sending sexy text messages and ‘nudes’ wrong and dangerous?

Remember that having sexually explicit pictures, including underwear shots, of anyone less than 18 years (this includes images of yourself or your girlfriend/boyfriend) on your phone is illegal (in the UK), and could lead to a caution or conviction, which could then have damaging implications for your future. Why is… Read more.
Teenager girl and boy sitting by wall

Saving Sex for Marriage: 10 Reasons Why

Since God intends sex only for marriage – what benefits does He bless us with, if we choose to do so?

The Bible is clear that we are to keep sex for marriage; whenever we live according to God’s intentions, there are always benefits and blessings. Here are some of them: 1. It allows you to get to know each other better without sexual involvement. It is hard, if not impossible,… Read more.