Asexual, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, homosexual etc etc…

These terms (and many more) seem to be everywhere. We often get asked on forms for information about our sexual orientation or identity or you may get asked at school or college in PSHE lessons or at other times. What does it all mean? Is this what defines us? Must… Read more.
DNA double helix

Created Male and Female

As Christians we believe that God has created us in His image, and male or female. But what does it mean to be male or female?

So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Chromosomes When an egg is fertilised by a sperm, the resulting zygote has 46 chromosomes. These are in pairs and one of those pairs (known as… Read more.
Icons of a man and woman with a question mark between them on a purple background

Sex and Gender – is there a difference?

We hear people talking about ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ all the time but what do they really mean? Do they mean the same as they always have?

The meaning of words frequently changes over time and words mean different things to different generations or different cultures. A good example of this is the word ‘sick’– to me it means someone is unwell or means a pile of vomit. However, to my teenagers it means something is impressive… Read more.
social media icons shown on a phone held in a hand

No new notifications…

Do you constantly feel compelled to check your phone to see if anyone has messaged you? I do!

And does your heart sink when you look at the screen and there are no new notifications? Mine does! In fact, I regularly have to put my phone in a different room so I am not constantly scrolling through social media feeds.  I even sometimes give myself ‘Facebook bans’ at… Read more.
Man holding Bible at his side, image cropped focusing on the Bible

Thinking Biblically about identity

We’re often told that we can define our identity by what we feel – but where does the Bible say our identity comes from?

Thinking Biblically about identity The Bible teaches that in the beginning God created human beings, male and female in His image [1]. Jesus repeated this when He was talking to some religious leaders, what He said is recorded in Matthew 19:4. He answered, “Have you not read that He who… Read more.
Young woman in a park looking closely at a young man as they talk

Does having a relationship conflict with feminism?

In order to answer this question, we need to clarify what feminism is.

Defining feminism is particularly difficult because the word has been used to mean many things to different people at different times. Feminism’s first wave is usually dated back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries and focused particularly on establishing a woman’s right to vote. Interestingly, before this time,… Read more.
A variety of Bisexual icon symbol with a question mark superimposed

Why is it wrong to identify as ‘bi’?

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, the Bible distinguishes what we desire from what we do, and who we are from what we desire.

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, it can mean different things to different people. To some it means being sexually attracted to both sexes. To others it means wanting to be or being in a sexual relationship with both sexes. Sometimes it… Read more.
Girl and boy with backs facing each other, against a faded background from pink to blue.

Gender dysphoria in children – a medical perspective

There has been a huge increase in the number of children presenting with Gender Dysphoria in recent years – but what are the implications of treating this medically?

You may have heard about the huge increase in the number of children with Gender Dysphoria (Transgender) who are now being referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in London. Or you may have seen one of the numerous TV programmes about transgender children – but what are the… Read more.
Couple on bench looking opposite ways

Christian and non-Christian: Romance?

Christians should not go out with or marry non-Christians. Why do we believe that?

Honouring God. Well, the most important reason is that God tells us so in the Bible. The clearest declaration of this is found in 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What… Read more.
Woman looking into mirror. Reflection holding social like / dislike icons

Who am I?

Identity is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth.

Identity, “who I am”, is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth, often, sadly, trying to fill an emotional void with a variety of substitutes which may lead to despair. Many young people who are… Read more.