Why can’t we just agree that love is love?

The phrase ‘love is love’ is common, but can be misleading

When people say that ‘love is love’, they usually mean that people should be allowed to date and marry whoever they like regardless of whether they are male or female. But this phrase ignores the fact there are many different kinds of love – family love (parent/child or between siblings),… Read more.

The importance of friendship

It is easy to forget how important friendship is

In our society, almost everything we see and hear is about romantic and sexual relationships. Everyone is looking for “the one”. We are wrongly told that to be fulfilled in life, we must be in a sexual relationship. So, what about friendship? Is it important? As human beings made in… Read more.

What makes a good friend?

How do we make good friends, and more importantly, how do we make sure we are a good friend?

As we go through life, whether we’re male or female, single or married, one thing we all have in common is that we need friendship.  The Bible tells us that we were created for company (Gen 2:18), and that friendship is good and helpful for us (Prov 18:1, Eccl 4:9-12);… Read more.
Hand with pen taking notes

Stuck at home!

The current situation is something new for all of us. No school/college/university, no socialising with friends, at home with parents and siblings 24/7!

What are the difficulties/dangers we might face and what might the benefits be? How can we survive this period and how can we grow in our walk with God? Difficulties/dangers Anxiety – I’m sure like me, even a couple of weeks ago, you couldn’t have imagined this situation. It was… Read more.