2. Children benefit from married parents

How marriage can help children to flourish

Are they healthier and happier? In general, research shows that children do best in life when they grow up with both their biological parents, and this is most likely when those parents are married (there will be a future article looking at how marriage increases the likelihood of couples remaining… Read more.
close up of 20 week old child's face

Abortion: Right or wrong?

It is tempting to take our moral direction from the laws of our country. If it is legal, then surely it must be acceptable?

The law enables abortions to be carried out by the medical services, which we have to trust regularly with our lives and the lives of our family. Surely, you might think, if my GP can refer me for an abortion then it must be OK. However, we must be very… Read more.
Girl and boy with backs facing each other, against a faded background from pink to blue.

Gender dysphoria in children – a medical perspective

There has been a huge increase in the number of children presenting with Gender Dysphoria in recent years – but what are the implications of treating this medically?

You may have heard about the huge increase in the number of children with Gender Dysphoria (Transgender) who are now being referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in London. Or you may have seen one of the numerous TV programmes about transgender children – but what are the… Read more.
Bride and Groom, arm in arm in church aisle

What’s the point of marriage?

Marriage has existed in almost every known human society since the beginning of history. Though the customs associated with it may vary, marriage always has three main purposes.

Marriage has existed in almost every known human society since the beginning of history, even though the customs associated with marriage may vary in different cultures. But wherever it is found, marriage has three main purposes: Companionship The two people getting married grow together in love and trust. They help… Read more.
Happy couple talking with coffee

Can we talk?

Honest communication is so important in any close relationship. It is essential to establishing trust. It is especially important in marriage.

If you are wondering whether someone would make a suitable spouse, ask this question, ‘Can you open your hearts and minds to one another and come to one mind on the big things of life?’. It isn’t that you must agree on absolutely everything, but you certainly need to on… Read more.