Woman with face in hands

When my family broke down

When I was already married with a young child myself, I discovered that my Dad had been having an affair – our entire family almost fell apart.

I honestly never thought it would happen to me! Some of my friends’ parents had split up when I was at school and later on the marriage of a couple of slightly older friends broke down. But I thought that my family was stable and that my parents were the… Read more.
Teenager girl and boy sitting by wall

Saving Sex for Marriage: 10 Reasons Why

Since God intends sex only for marriage – what benefits does He bless us with, if we choose to do so?

The Bible is clear that we are to keep sex for marriage; whenever we live according to God’s intentions, there are always benefits and blessings. Here are some of them: 1. It allows you to get to know each other better without sexual involvement. It is hard, if not impossible,… Read more.
Wedding rings on open Bible

Finding the right marriage partner

How do we know whom we should marry?

Looking forward to the big day. Marriage might not be as popular as it once was, but many young people will still look forward to that special day when they will stand next to the person they have chosen to spend their lives with and say, “I do”. Indeed in… Read more.
Two colourful domestic front doors

Living together

You can’t test run a married home without the marriage commitment. If you do – you will be merely testing for failure.

What is it? Living together, also known as cohabitation, is when two people in a romantic relationship move in together and experience a sexual relationship. The couple are not married and, unlike marriage, their status is not currently recognised in law. Why do some people live together? Is it a… Read more.
women's hands holding engagement ring

How can I know my future spouse will be faithful to me?

How is it possible to make promises such as marriage vows and keep them when you don’t know what is to come?

A concern that often comes up when we are thinking about marriage is whether the person we choose to marry will be or remain faithful. Will they keep their marriage vows? Is it possible to make such promises and keep them when you don’t know what is to come? We… Read more.
Computer image of Human Papilloma virus - type 16

What is an STI?

STIs result from the spread of a variety of bacteria, viruses and a small number of other organisms.

What is an STI? God has given us sex for the secure intimacy of marriage. Unfortunately, many people have sex before/outside of the marriage relationship with multiple partners leading to the increasing spread of sexually transmitted infections. Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed… Read more.