The Christian message is first and foremost about forgiveness.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

You might be thinking “help!” a Christian website about marriage, relationships and sex! Isn’t it just going to make me feel guilty? But please read on. This is an area of life where we will all feel that we have failed, perhaps let ourselves down, hurt others or offended God.

…the Christian message is first and foremost about forgiveness.

Yes, we may feel guilty and perhaps feel worse as we think about God’s desire for purity in our lives. But the Christian message is first and foremost about forgiveness through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary two thousand years ago. He gave His life and died for our sins, so that we could receive God’s forgiveness.

Still available.

That forgiveness is as available today as it was two thousand years ago. God loves us and wants us to ask for His forgiveness by trusting in Christ’s sacrifice for sin, turning away from our sins (repentance) and with the help of the Holy Spirit conducting our relationships and living out our sexuality in a way that will please God.

People don’t seem to understand that God’s ways will not deprive us or make us miserable; far from it, the many different kinds of blessings that result from sexual purity or a good marriage are too many to count, and are explained in some of the articles on this website.

Trust and pray.

If you are feeling bad about some sort of sexual sin and have never trusted Christ, turn to Him today. If you are a Christian and have made mistakes (as we all have), ask God to forgive you again and give you the strength to live in a pure and selfless way.

If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour but want to, you might consider praying like this:   Lord Jesus, I admit I have sinned by breaking God’s laws. I have offended Him and hurt others. I am sorry for my sins. I want to turn away from all the wrong I have done and receive Your mercy and grace by asking You to be my Lord, Saviour, Friend and Helper. Thank You that You died for my sins on the cross and that You took my punishment. Thank You that You rose again and are alive now. Please forgive me, enter my life by the Holy Spirit, and take loving control of me from now on.

Jesus not only died for our sins, but He rose from the dead to show that the price for them has been paid. We can know the living Lord Jesus. Friendship with God will last into eternity – what a blessing!

If we confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Talk to a Christian friend if you have prayed the prayer in this article.