Making the most of singleness and investing in friendships

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

You may have read the other articles in this series but be thinking: What about me? I don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend and I want one!

We live in a society where there is so much pressure to be in a relationship and friendships are so often sexualised. We seem to have forgotten the importance of friendship and that all of us need a network of friends – a few close friends and then a wider circle of other friends. Learning how to be a good friend and to choose good friends is important for us all whether we end up married or not.

The righteous choose their friends carefully,
    but the way of the wicked leads them astray.”   

Proverbs 12v26

Walk with the wise and become wise,
    for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Proverbs 14v20

It is important to invest in friendships and not be quick to seek a romantic relationship either at the wrong time or with the wrong person. Make the most of being single, be content in whatever situation God has put you in but be open to his leading if marriage is what He calls you to in the future.

Sometimes we hear people talking about a “gift of singleness” as if it’s some special thing given to certain people who will remain single all their lives. The reality is that we all start off single and therefore as a single person enjoy all the good gifts God has given us. For most people at some point in their life they will exchange the gift of singleness for the gift of marriage. There are blessings as well as challenges in being single as well as in being married and we should be thankful to God for all his many blessings.

There are a number of articles you may want to read on the subject of singleness and friendship – see further reading below: