The decision before the decision…

Preparing our hearts so we make the right decision in the heat of the moment

Sometimes in life we have to make quick decisions; this is why many jobs require rigorous training so that certain things become second nature to us and then if the crunch comes quite suddenly, we know what we should do. This is also true in our spiritual lives and especially… Read more.
Close up of open Bible showing Galatians 5v1 with the words 'freedom' and 'stand firm' underlined in red

What is wrong with masturbation?

Some people claim that it is a natural response to natural desires. The Bible challenges us to think differently.

You may have heard of masturbation (self stimulation) being presented in a positive way as a normal healthy activity. It is claimed that it can help young people ease anxiety and, after or even during puberty, relieve sexual frustration. So is there anything wrong with this teaching? What is a… Read more.
Red neon heart illuminating brick wall with wires and light switch

Lust: How can I stop?

What is the difference between being attracted to someone and lusting after them? And if lust is a problem, how can we stop?

Physical attraction is natural and helpful in deciding who to marry, though it shouldn’t be the main decider. Lust involves allowing our thoughts about another person to turn sexual outside of marriage [1]. Lust can be especially difficult for men because they are often easily provoked by what they see,… Read more.
A variety of Bisexual icon symbol with a question mark superimposed

Why is it wrong to identify as ‘bi’?

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, the Bible distinguishes what we desire from what we do, and who we are from what we desire.

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, it can mean different things to different people. To some it means being sexually attracted to both sexes. To others it means wanting to be or being in a sexual relationship with both sexes. Sometimes it… Read more.
close up of snow on the ground, with a few blades of grass poking through

Singleness and sexual purity

A man gives his testimony.

I was single until I got married in my mid-forties. I can testify to the many temptations and challenges to my purity during that time. There were times when I felt frustrated by my singleness and jealous of the married people around me who seemed to be enjoying fulfilled sex… Read more.
Hands holding a butterfly

Handle with care

How physical should you be when you are in a relationship?

How physical should you be when you are in a relationship? If you find your girl/boyfriend attractive, there will be a natural desire for greater physical intimacy. But the issue to think about is not what is attractive to you or what might fulfil your desires, rather how can you… Read more.
Man on shore looking at sunset

True Freedom

What does it mean to be truly free? Free to follow our desires, or to be free to control our desires?

I once heard of a man who visited his friend in a rural part of the USA. He was amazed to observe that when he got out of his car, he left his key in the ignition! When he questioned his friend about the wisdom of doing this, his friend… Read more.