What if my friend says they’re transgender?

How to respond in love to a friend who thinks they may be trans

In the 2021 census about 1% of 16-24 year olds stated that their gender identity was different to the sex they were registered with at birth (biological sex) and the NHS gender identity development service has seen a massive rise in the number of children being referred with gender dysphoria… Read more.

“Safe Sex”… is it really safe?

STI’s in young people continue to rise despite increased sex education promoting the “Safe Sex” message

It’s likely that you will have been taught about “safe sex” in school and that you may have been given the impression that STIs are something that pretty much everyone gets at some point. In 2017 Public Health England launched a campaign to protect young people from Sexually Transmitted Infections… Read more.

The decision before the decision…

Preparing our hearts so we make the right decision in the heat of the moment

Sometimes in life we have to make quick decisions; this is why many jobs require rigorous training so that certain things become second nature to us and then if the crunch comes quite suddenly, we know what we should do. This is also true in our spiritual lives and especially… Read more.

Pride – What’s the harm?

How should we respond in the light of God’s good design for us

Each June, a month of celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ‘Pride’ takes place across the UK. The idea began with the Stonewall riots in 1969 and continued with Pride marches, which spread across the USA. Initially they were protests calling for ‘gay rights’. But today we see parades… Read more.


Asexual, bisexual, pansexual, demisexual, homosexual etc etc…

These terms (and many more) seem to be everywhere. We often get asked on forms for information about our sexual orientation or identity or you may get asked at school or college in PSHE lessons or at other times. What does it all mean? Is this what defines us? Must… Read more.

Who cares if I’m a boy or a girl?

The Bible is very clear, right from the beginning, that God created male and female

Increasingly, when you fill in any kind of form you are asked what gender you identify as. Some people find this confusing and difficult to answer. Going through puberty and becoming an adolescent is about the journey from being a child and cared for by your parents, to becoming an… Read more.
Various social media icons

Social Media and Gender Identity

Social media plays a big part in all of our lives (and probably even more so since COVID 19).

Social media has many benefits – it allows us to keep in touch with people when face to face contact is not possible, to get an instant update on what is going on, and to stream church services on platforms like YouTube and hold Bible studies and prayer meetings by… Read more.
DNA double helix

Created Male and Female

As Christians we believe that God has created us in His image, and male or female. But what does it mean to be male or female?

So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 Chromosomes When an egg is fertilised by a sperm, the resulting zygote has 46 chromosomes. These are in pairs and one of those pairs (known as… Read more.
Icons of a man and woman with a question mark between them on a purple background

Sex and Gender – is there a difference?

We hear people talking about ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ all the time but what do they really mean? Do they mean the same as they always have?

The meaning of words frequently changes over time and words mean different things to different generations or different cultures. A good example of this is the word ‘sick’– to me it means someone is unwell or means a pile of vomit. However, to my teenagers it means something is impressive… Read more.
Placard held in front of a church with the word 'Jesus' struck through by a red line..

Is Jesus a bigot?

It is fashionable to call Christians bigots because they stand opposed to the prevailing sexual ethics and seek to point people towards a better narrative.

Is Jesus obstinately or intolerantly devoted to His own opinions? Did He treat members of other racial or ethnic groups with hatred and intolerance? [1] Jesus was firm and uncompromising in His teaching He certainly offended particular groups of people, which resulted in extensive, strong and ultimately violent reactions to… Read more.