The Barbie Movie – battle of the sexes?

Battle of the Sexes in Barbieland and the Real World… What answers does the Bible have for us?

The most surprising thing I did over the summer was watch the Barbie movie (twice)! This film has made history for being the biggest ever debut for a film directed by a woman – £276m in the first weekend! So why are so many people (and it’s not just women)… Read more.

Why can’t we just agree that love is love?

The phrase ‘love is love’ is common, but can be misleading

When people say that ‘love is love’, they usually mean that people should be allowed to date and marry whoever they like regardless of whether they are male or female. But this phrase ignores the fact there are many different kinds of love – family love (parent/child or between siblings),… Read more.
Heart shaped island with trees, bordered by small beach surrounded by deep blue sea.

Lessons from Love Island

It is natural to desire loving relationships, but does sex always express love?

The 2021 series of the dating reality TV programme Love Island has recently begun. The show is now in its 7th season and involves a group of contestants, who in order to remain on the show and win £50,000, are forced to ‘pair up’ with another contestant. The show begins… Read more.
Close up of two red heart shaped padlocks locked together on a bridge railing

Looking for love that will last

Most people desperately want to love and be loved.

This is no surprise since God made us in His image and God is love [1]. Sadly, we live in a society where love is often equated with sex and Satan has deceived many into thinking that giving in to sexual desires will secure love and that compromising on Biblical… Read more.
Single pink rose on slate worktop

What has happened to romance?

Has living in a society which encourages early sexual experimentation led to the possibility of romance being eroded?

In spite of all the songs about romance and love, I sometimes wonder whether the sexual revolution has actually stopped young people experiencing many of the romantic feelings that have been expressed in poetry and literature in times when it was more likely that a couple would patiently wait for… Read more.
Various cloth labels with string attached on a wooden background. The top label is embroidered with the word "love".

‘Love has no limits, love has no labels’

I saw these words written on a banner. The message seems catchy and welcoming to all. But is it the truth or is it an attractive deception? And what is meant by love?

The Bible clearly states that true love is from God. In fact such love is so much part of God’s character that the Apostle John writes that ‘God is Love’. God’s love is shown above all in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ to die for the sins of… Read more.
Young man and woman shopping happily at an open air market

How can I know if he or she really loves me?

Love is a word we use very often; it describes our feelings for all sorts of things from chocolate to a new car!

We often use the word ‘love’ to describe our feelings for people in our family: parents, children, siblings. We also talk about the romantic feeling of ‘falling in love’ with someone who is not in our family. But how can we know that this romantic love is true, and that… Read more.
Young womans and man holding hands . Looking intently at each others eyes.

Love or lust?

You feel that you love someone. You want to be with them. You find it difficult not to think about them.

We live in a very emotion-driven age. We are tempted to think that when we feel something strongly, it must be right. We are encouraged to accept that when we want something strongly, we are justified in having our desires fulfilled. Perhaps nowhere is this more often felt than with… Read more.