A young girl looking over a landscape.

A child of divorce – the loss of my father

My parents’ divorce has left repercussions rippling throughout my life, even up to this present day.

…the Lord your God goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 This verse has meant a lot to me growing up. Why? Because my parents divorced when I was 7 years old and I have not had a good father in my life since… Read more.
Woman with face in hands

When my family broke down

When I was already married with a young child myself, I discovered that my Dad had been having an affair – our entire family almost fell apart.

I honestly never thought it would happen to me! Some of my friends’ parents had split up when I was at school and later on the marriage of a couple of slightly older friends broke down. But I thought that my family was stable and that my parents were the… Read more.