Close up of open Bible showing Galatians 5v1 with the words 'freedom' and 'stand firm' underlined in red

What is wrong with masturbation?

Some people claim that it is a natural response to natural desires. The Bible challenges us to think differently.

You may have heard of masturbation (self stimulation) being presented in a positive way as a normal healthy activity. It is claimed that it can help young people ease anxiety and, after or even during puberty, relieve sexual frustration. So is there anything wrong with this teaching? What is a… Read more.
Man holding Bible at his side, image cropped focusing on the Bible

Thinking Biblically about identity

We’re often told that we can define our identity by what we feel – but where does the Bible say our identity comes from?

Thinking Biblically about identity The Bible teaches that in the beginning God created human beings, male and female in His image [1]. Jesus repeated this when He was talking to some religious leaders, what He said is recorded in Matthew 19:4. He answered, “Have you not read that He who… Read more.
Various cloth labels with string attached on a wooden background. The top label is embroidered with the word "love".

‘Love has no limits, love has no labels’

I saw these words written on a banner. The message seems catchy and welcoming to all. But is it the truth or is it an attractive deception? And what is meant by love?

The Bible clearly states that true love is from God. In fact such love is so much part of God’s character that the Apostle John writes that ‘God is Love’. God’s love is shown above all in the giving of His Son, Jesus Christ to die for the sins of… Read more.