Laptop computer with finger on keyboard in dark room with pink lighting

Pornography (part 4): A cause of abuse within society

Pornography doesn’t just badly affect the people who use it – but also those who perform in it.

People are used for entertainment and money. Pornography is a massive industry driven by money and makes a large profit each year. The actors and actresses see little of this money. People are not treated with dignity and respect. Those who make money from the pornography industry make it by… Read more.
A variety of Bisexual icon symbol with a question mark superimposed

Why is it wrong to identify as ‘bi’?

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, the Bible distinguishes what we desire from what we do, and who we are from what we desire.

Claiming to be ‘bisexual’ has almost become something that is seen as fashionable. However, it can mean different things to different people. To some it means being sexually attracted to both sexes. To others it means wanting to be or being in a sexual relationship with both sexes. Sometimes it… Read more.