Young man and woman smiling and standing together with backs against a blue stained wooden slat wall

Should I ask him out?

You have a growing friendship with a lovely Christian guy and you would like it to go further, but he seems to be reluctant to take any initiative. What, if anything, should you do?

This is not an unusual scenario. This can be for all kinds of reasons. Some men don’t like the prospect of being turned down. Some men find it difficult to know their minds and hearts. Some men are hesitant to commit. In the Christian community the stakes seem high –… Read more.
Computer illustration of Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria. M. genitalium is a small parasitic bacterium. It is a sexually transmitted organism

MG, another sexually transmitted infection

– a tiny organism, but a big problem.

The smallest known self-replicating bacterium, Mycoplasma genitalium (MG or Mgen), was isolated (identified and grown) in 1981 [1]. It can be caught from sexual intimacy with someone already infected. Though scientists have known about the bacterium for decades, it has only recently been identified as the likely cause of many… Read more.
Laptop computer with finger on keyboard in dark room with pink lighting

Pornography (part 3): Effects on behaviour and mental health

Pornography gives unrealistic expectations of what people should look like. It can lead both girls and boys to have anxieties and feel under pressure to have a certain body image.

Pornography can change the way you think about people. An emphasis on physical appearance is prevalent in today’s culture: in films, magazines and advertising. Such an emphasis will make it harder to establish good relationships and to treat the opposite sex with love and respect. Pornography gives unrealistic expectations of… Read more.