Woman looking out of cafe

5 questions to ask yourself before going out with someone.

We can want to go out with someone for all sorts of reasons; but not all reasons are good reasons. Thinking seriously first can help you avoid heartache later.

1. Why go out? Though it is important to have fun while dating it is most important to think seriously about it. After all, when you start a relationship there are a lot of feelings involved. You need to be careful with your own and the other person’s feelings, regardless… Read more.
Pasta in pan

From cooking disaster to vital life lesson

We all need the Bible. A simple cooking disaster taught me about living God’s way.

Have you ever tried to make your own pasta?! A few months ago, I tried to do just that. And in case you’ve misunderstood, it didn’t involve opening a packet and adding boiling water etc. I tried to make proper, fresh pasta, from special flour and eggs. I bought the… Read more.
Hands holding a butterfly

Handle with care

How physical should you be when you are in a relationship?

How physical should you be when you are in a relationship? If you find your girl/boyfriend attractive, there will be a natural desire for greater physical intimacy. But the issue to think about is not what is attractive to you or what might fulfil your desires, rather how can you… Read more.
Couple on bench looking opposite ways

Christian and non-Christian: Romance?

Christians should not go out with or marry non-Christians. Why do we believe that?

Honouring God. Well, the most important reason is that God tells us so in the Bible. The clearest declaration of this is found in 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What… Read more.
Wooden cross on wood background


The Christian message is first and foremost about forgiveness.

You might be thinking “help!” a Christian website about marriage, relationships and sex! Isn’t it just going to make me feel guilty? But please read on. This is an area of life where we will all feel that we have failed, perhaps let ourselves down, hurt others or offended God.… Read more.
touch phone and headphones on table

Explicit messages and sexual images

Why is asking for or sending sexy text messages and ‘nudes’ wrong and dangerous?

Remember that having sexually explicit pictures, including underwear shots, of anyone less than 18 years (this includes images of yourself or your girlfriend/boyfriend) on your phone is illegal (in the UK), and could lead to a caution or conviction, which could then have damaging implications for your future. Why is… Read more.
Woman looking into mirror. Reflection holding social like / dislike icons

Who am I?

Identity is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth.

Identity, “who I am”, is currently a big issue in our society and many people seem to be on a frantic search for personal identity and self-worth, often, sadly, trying to fill an emotional void with a variety of substitutes which may lead to despair. Many young people who are… Read more.
Young man reading the Bible

What does the Bible say about gay relationships?

Some people experience attraction to people of the same sex either as a transient phase of their lives, perhaps during puberty, or in a more enduring way, and for a variety of reasons.

As Christians we believe in loving and respecting everyone, as all human beings are made in God’s image, but this does not mean that we need to endorse all behaviours and lifestyles. The desire to act on same sex attraction can be a strong temptation and being careful not to… Read more.
Man on shore looking at sunset

True Freedom

What does it mean to be truly free? Free to follow our desires, or to be free to control our desires?

I once heard of a man who visited his friend in a rural part of the USA. He was amazed to observe that when he got out of his car, he left his key in the ignition! When he questioned his friend about the wisdom of doing this, his friend… Read more.
Happy couple talking with coffee

Can we talk?

Honest communication is so important in any close relationship. It is essential to establishing trust. It is especially important in marriage.

If you are wondering whether someone would make a suitable spouse, ask this question, ‘Can you open your hearts and minds to one another and come to one mind on the big things of life?’. It isn’t that you must agree on absolutely everything, but you certainly need to on… Read more.
Young woman with quizzical expression

Why does God want us to listen to our parents?

In our teenage years, we start to have freedom to make our own choices about things while still being largely dependent on our parents or carers.

God wants us to listen to our parents because that is how He has designed life and therefore the way that it works best. As a new born baby each of us is totally helpless and dependent on someone else to feed us, move us, clean us etc. As we… Read more.